Why Are Standing Desks So Expensive?


There are a few reasons why standing desks can be expensive.

First they often require an electric motor to raise and lower the desk height which can add to the cost.

Second many people prefer adjustable desks that can be customized to fit their height and those tend to be more expensive.

And finally because standing desks are still considered a relatively new concept there is less competition in the market and manufacturers can charge more for them.

That said there are also some less expensive options available if you’re willing to forego the adjustable desk or go with a manual crank model.

And as more people begin to see the benefits of standing desks we’re likely to see prices drop in the coming years.

Are The Expensive Standing Desks Worth It?

It really depends on what you need and want in a standing desk.

Some people find that they don’t need all the bells and whistles of an expensive standing desk and are just fine with a regular desk that can be raised to a standing height.

But for people who want more features like adjustable height memory settings or noise-canceling features an expensive standing desk can definitely be worth it.

It all comes down to what’s important to you and what will make you most productive in your work environment.

How Much Should I Spend On A Standing Desk?

It depends on how much you want to spend.

You can find some really affordable options or you can spend a little more and get something more luxurious.

A good basic standing desk can be found for around $50-100 but if you want something that’s more adjustable or has more features you could pay up to $500.

Ultimately it’s up to you and what’s important to you.

Some people might prefer a cheaper option so they can switch out their standing desk more often while others might prefer to spend a bit more for a desk that will last longer.

Are Standing Desks Really That Much Better For You?

Many experts believe that standing desks are indeed better for your health than sitting down all day.

Studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time can be linked to a number of health problems such as obesity heart disease and even some forms of cancer.

Standing desks help to get your blood flowing and reduce the risk of these health problems.

Additionally they can also help improve your posture and alleviate back pain. Some studies have even shown that standing desks can increase productivity levels!

So if you’re looking to improve your health or increase your productivity standing desks are definitely worth considering.